Tammy Heerman offers keynote presentations, highlighting her signature approach of mindset, skillset, and deliberate practice.

Experience the art of storytelling, the credibility of research-based insights and the practicality of strategies you can use the minute the presentation is over.


Tammy won’t bore you with PowerPoints filled with text you can’t see, nor spout baseless claims. She won’t pump you up and leave you on cloud nine only to fall and forget to take action a mere hour after the speech is over. She combines powerful stories of success and failure, provocative insights from research and practical tips and tactics to make movement.

“I felt like she was talking just to me” is a common reaction Tammy hears.

If you want to be informed and entertained, motivated and inspired to act, then connect to find out more about bringing Tammy to your event.




Reframe Your Story

Why mastering your mindset will change your life

Are you convinced you’re not cut out for that job or that you don’t know enough to speak up in that meeting? Do you believe that good team players always say yes, or that building profile is self-serving, slimy or smarmy? We know the power of stories to change and to persuade, but we rarely examine the most important stories: those we tell ourselves. We walk around with toxic mindsets about what we’re capable of, what is possible and what we can accomplish.

In this keynote Tammy asks you to think about the unhelpful stories you tell yourself that hold you back. She will spur you to change the conversation you have with yourself so that you can adjust your behaviors, exhibit new skills and transform perceptions about what you can accomplish personally and professionally. Change your mindset, change the conversation, change your life.

In this keynote you will:

  • Understand the seven common stories you tell yourself; those that are reinforced by society, systems and those of your own making

  • Begin to put an end to the negative self-talk, self-sabotaging behaviors and unconscious habits that are keeping you stuck

  • Learn practical ways to combat toxic mindsets before, during and after they occur

Do Less Shit

Why you must reframe your story from “I’m the master of my to do list” to “I make strategic decisions”

Do you revel in being a fastidious firefighter or master multi-tasker? Do you feel guilty delegating, or do you say yes too often? What stories do you tell yourself about being a good team player, pitching in and working hard to get it all done. If you’re like most, these beliefs may leave you trapped in the hamster wheel of tactical work and that’s all you are known for. Executing, not leading. Tactical, not strategic.

Tammy sheds light on why research has shown that being perceived as strategic is more challenging for women than men. She tests you to question the value you add at work and home, why it matters and what it’s costing you. You will be compelled to move from striking off tasks on long to-do lists to actioning strategic priorities; from constantly being busy to adding value. You will be spurred to change what you’re known for and learn how to complete valuable tasks that matter to your brand, your earnings, your promotability and your health and well-being. 

In this keynote you will:

  • Understand the reasons women get saddled, and saddle themselves with grunt work

  • Learn how to focus on value-added and promotable tasks and turn the mundane into strategic

  • Discover ways to shift perceptions of your strategic capability and leadership brand

Leaders are Champions

Why people managers are the lynchpin to culture change and lasting progress for women

Your organization is talking about diversity, inclusion and belonging. You have goals to advance women in leadership. But you’re frustrated because you can’t get the numbers to move fast enough. One step forward, three steps back. Or maybe you’re just starting out and don’t know where to begin. Well intentioned organizations are investing, although in the wrong ways and in the wrong places. What will it take today to make real and lasting progress?

Tammy discusses learnings from organizations that are making headway and those struggling dismally. The real solution it turns out is the critical role of people managers in leading the charge. Expectations of leaders are changing, and rapidly. Learn how to actively shape culture, coach differently and pay attention to critical markers and metrics. 

In this keynote you will:

  • Inspire leaders to examine their current mindsets and appreciate their considerable influence on the development and advancement of women 

  • Review the common headwinds to the advancement of female talent

  • Learn what active champions of female talent do differently than other people leaders